Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just realized I don't have any tupperware and I made way too much spaghetti.  I mean before tupperware was invented, where do you put leftovers?  My Grandpa used to make us clean our plates back in the day, I guess I know why...... they didn't have tupperware.  Cold spaghetti coming from a tupperware bowl is so much tastier than coming from a ceramic bowl.  Have you ever noticed that?  Must be something in the plastic.  Plastic is pretty tasty.  Speaking of plastic bowls- is it just me, but does soda, or Pop (as I grew up saying it, and by the way- it's a lot more fun to say- you should try it sometime)  taste waaaaayyy better out of a plastic cup filled with ice?  I think you would have to agree with me on this one:)


Jennifer Veltre-Gonzalez said...

Its funny I recently tried getting away from plastics.....My thoughts exactly "What did we do before plastics" So I have turned to glass....metal.and wood...naturally occuring materials. OKay don't get me wrong I still got the GLADware up in the closet, cause you know I get lazy!!ahhaaaaaaaaaa

Love you!

Brooke Lindsay said...

I think that you should have a Tupperware party. You always hear of them but I bet most of your friends have never had the pleasure of being invited to one. This could be your golden ticket....I can see it now....Jules the Tantalizing Tupperware Temptress!!!

Jenn Freeman said...

Hmm...I do like Tupperware if you actually eat the leftovers. I think that before plastic ware was invented, they cooked and served much smaller portions in order not to waste. Instead of using plastic ware for a week, notice how much food you throw away. I bet we could cut 1/2 our budget it food by preparing only what we eat. With the other half, buy food for the needy, the hungry. Here and abroad. I'm preaching to myself mostly.
Love you sis! Jenn

Lady Jules said...

My sister has a very good point! Points taken!