Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am going to melt out here in the Valley if I don't get some relief soon!  I remember when I lived in Colorado that when it was winter, those last couple months were always the worst-- you always wondered if there would ever be relief from the winter's chill.  Now it's just the opposite.  It's like that with the heat.  It is now the end of October and it is almost 100 degrees.  It's been this way since September.  I am so close to packing my bags and going to Colorado to be tortured by the cold instead.  I miss the seasons.......... it's a must in my life.  I hope wherever you are reading this, that you can feel the chill of October and smell the amazing smell of fireplaces burning in the distance.  Here, all I smell is burning trees from the roasting fires, from this firey pit of hell called L.A.  

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