Monday, October 20, 2008


Let me just say.  If you go to see "Religulous"   and it's in quotes because I hesitate to give it any sort of merit what-so-ever, I suggest you go to see how not to make a "documentary"- use it as a tool to- a "how-to" so that if you ever decide to make a documentary- then you will not make the tragic mistakes or rather tragic decisions to make your point- and in Maher's case a really really lame point.  Let me go into some detail for you.  Bill Maher poses a question at the beginning of his film, that he wants answers.  He wants to know why people believe in what they believe in and why- and his main objective is to prove that the 16 % of the people in the world that do not believe that there is a God are actually the sane ones and that the believers are crazy and we need to basically look to the unbelievers for some sanity.  Mr. Maher then goes on to finding the most fanatical radical Christians and others(he picks on the Christians 90 percent of the movie) - People that quite frankly I would never trust or follow, poor representations of people who can speak intelligently and informatively about their beliefs, he picks on them like a school bully with his fancy edits and witty remarks- and tries to prove his point that he is intelligent.  Well, if he was so intelligent, I would think he would have spent a little more time finding more reliable witnesses- hmm let's say some theologians perhaps?? That never crossed his mind?  Going and finding the top people to speak intelligently about religion.  Nope- he went straight for the easy targets, people who he knows can't talk back to him, can't think as fast to his condescending questions.  Anyone with this magnificent intelligence he claims to have would have spent time finding reliable witnesses to really answer the question he posed at the beginning of his film.  Which, of course, was not his real agenda anyway.  He wasn't trying to find answers, he was trying to prove he was right.  Which is what he sums up at the end of his lame movie.  Religion=Bad -- NO God=I'm so super smart.  No Bill, you are dumb as a doornail and your movie will come and go as fast as it will be in the theaters.  Have fun with your 15 days of fame buddy.  Try again.  I will recommend people see "The Case for Christ" in retort to Bill Maher's film.  Lee Stroble does a fantastic job to find the most intelligent subjects to interview to answer his questions about Christ and his existence. It is classy and done with great integrity.  If your willing to hear Maher's side, you should be willing to hear the other side as well.  Good luck with your spiritual journey's everyone, and I do hope you seek and search other sources besides some washed up comedians opinions.  -- Jules  P.S.  The one reliable subject that Maher has in his film, a scientist who happens to be a Christian, has a clip of about 15 seconds total to state his point, but really it's only five seconds because Bill interupts him the entire time.  

1 comment:

Lola in Montana said...

This guy needs to have a public debate with "Apologetics" teacher and speaker Ravi Zacharius (sp)!!