Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Politics- yes I'm going there haha

Okay my political crazy people.  This blog's for you.  And let me just say at the very beginning of this- I love you all dearly.  Okay, so what's up people?  Why is it so important for everyone to be so " in your face" about your political affiliations?  It's like I'm surrounded by a bunch of lunatics lately!  Believe what you want everyone, vote for who you want, but please don't try to shove your opinions down people's throats!  I certainly won't listen if you do.  What makes this country so great is that we actually get to even have opinions, and we do get to "pick" a side.  Wouldn't it be incredibly boring if we all just agreed on one thing?  I think it would.  So just let people believe what they want, and choose who they want, and then when it's all said and done you will live a few more years longer because you won't get an aneurism from all that pent up energy about you being "right".  Doesn't that sound so much better, so my take on this election, is live and let live, choose your side and shut up.  -- MUAH!--

1 comment:

Lola in Montana said...

I have a good four letter word for these troublesome political times, pray (II Chronicles 7:14)